Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Assignment for Wednesday Jan. 31, Thursday, Feb. 1, and Friday, Feb. 2

For Wednesday, have four-to-five pages of your research writing ready for me to grade.

For Thursday and Friday, read the following pieces in Approaching Great Ideas: Lucy Delaney, "Struggles for My Freedom" (pp. 146-151) and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "Women and Economics: 'Cupid-in-the-Kitchen'" (pp. 303-314). In Delaney's piece, the injustices are obvious, but focus on the gender dynamics, some of which are unstated but nonetheless present. (In Gilman's piece, gender dynamics are readily apparent.)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Assignments for Friday, Jan. 26, to Wednesday, Jan. 31

For Friday (Day 6) and Monday (Day 1), complete one additional page of your research writing. By this class, you should be up to four pages of research writing. If you're having trouble getting there, you need to communicate with me to explain your challenges. Also, bring A Room of One's Own to class; you will have time during the first part of class to finish reading Ch. 6.

For Tuesday and Wednesday, four-to-five pages of research writing are due. This writing will be graded, so revise and edit your writing accordingly. You must include citations for your sources, but you do not need to include a complete bibliography. Addendum: Finish reading Ch. 6 of A Room of One's Own and bring the book to class.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Assignments for Tuesday, Jan. 23, Wednesday, Jan. 24, and Thursday, Jan. 25

For Tuesday (Day 3), have two pages (or the equivalent) written for the STP research writing. Be prepared to share it with me via Google Classroom. (We will begin the transition to Google Classroom during class.) Make sure that you bring A Room of One's Own to class; we need to discuss Ch. 5.

For Wednesday (Day 4) and Thursday (Day 5), write one additional page of your STP research writing. Wednesday's class will have time to finish reading Ch. 5 of A Room of One's Own during class.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Assignments for Thursday, Jan. 18, Friday, Jan. 19, Monday, Jan. 22, and Tuesday, Jan. 23

For Thursday, read Ch. 4 (pp. 58-78) of Woolf's A Room of One's Own. If you missed Friday or Tuesday's class, watch the following videos:
"Founder of #MeToo Movement Speaks Out"
"As Surviviors Say #Me Too, What Will It Take to Stop Sexual Harassment?"

If you're interested, here are additional perspectives on sexual harassment and #MeToo:

Jia Tolentino, "Harvey Weinstein and the Impunity of Powerful Men" (Oct. 30)
Jessica Bennett, "The #MeToo Moment: When the Blinders Come Off" (Nov. 30)
Time Magazine: Person of the Year: The Silence Breakers (Jan. 1)
Daphne Merkin, "Publicly, We Say #MeToo. Privately, We have Misgivings" (Jan. 5)

For Friday, Jan. 19, read Ch. 5 of Woolf's A Room of One's Own (pp. 79-94). Continue working on the STP research writing. 

For Monday (Day 2) and Tuesday (Day 3), have two pages (or the equivalent) written for the STP research writing. Be prepared to share it with me via Google Classroom. (We will begin the transition to Google Classroom during class.) Make sure that you bring A Room of One's Own to class. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018