Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Assignment for Thursday, April 16

Work on your STP presentation; the guidelines handed out in class are posted to the right. If you want to view more TED talks, see the links in the previous post just below this one. You will have time to work on it during class on Thursday and, as always, if you have any questions before then, don't hesitate to ask me.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Model TED Talks for the Presentation

Click here for a playlist of eleven TED talks that exemplify that strategies we've discussed (or will discuss, if you did the multiple-choice questions during first block on Thursday) in class. The talk we viewed is titled "The Power of Vulnerability." If you have a scientific topic, you might want to view "Underwater Astonishments" and "The New Bionics That Let Us Run, Climb, and Dance." If you don't find those helpful, go to this page for more TED talks that focus on science.