Monday, February 23, 2015

Upcoming Assignments

In class on Monday, we discussed Luke Harding's The Snowden Files and watched a Frontline documentary, The United States of Secrets. If you missed Monday's class, you should watch up to the 31:55 mark at the following link:

In class, some of you asked about the original video that introduced Snowden to the world. Here's a link to that video: 

For Wednesday, February 25, read Ch. 11 of The Snowden Files (pp. 215-252). 

For Friday, February 27, read Ch. 12 of The Snowden Files (pp. 253-277). 

For Tuesday, March 2, finish reading The Snowden Files (pp. 279-333). 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Over the Break

Read to p. 214 in Luke Harding's The Snowden Files. You have nothing to write.