1. Read pp. 1-55 of The Color of Water.
2. Write one typed page in response to the following question: How would you describe McBride's narrative persona, and what strategies does he use to develop that persona? Check later in the weekend for a sample response that uses the De Quincey reading completed in Friday's class. Click here for that sample response.
3. Via email, submit two questions about The Color of Water to me. These should focus on aspects of McBride's writing choices.
In class, we will begin with an in-class reading of Hughes's "Salvation," in 50 Essays, which we did not get to on Friday.
On a separate note, notice independent reading assignments and the vocabulary list posted to the right (under Syllabus and Assignments). Read about the independent reading assignment this weekend; maybe you can even decide on a book. The vocabulary list is where I will try to keep track of unfamiliar words that come up in class. If I miss any that you would like to see on this list, just email it to me. You will not be quizzed on these words, but it would be great to see them in your writing over the course of the year. The listed words link to their Merriam-Webster definitions.