Monday, September 26, 2011

Assignments for Wednesday, Sept. 28, and Monday, Oct. 3

For Wednesday, Sept. 28:
1. Read and annotate The Color of Water, pp. 107-137.
2. Bring two questions to class about this reading and email them to me.
3. Write one typed page in response to the following prompt: Analyze the structure of McBride's memoir. You may choose a general feature (e.g., alternating narratives), chronological structure (flashbacks, jumping around in time, and so on), or some other organizing principle you have noticed. In your response, explain the rhetorical advantages or disadvantages of the structural aspect you've decided to write about.
4. Look at the independent reading assignment and choices posted to the right. You must tell me your selection by next Monday, Oct. 3.
5. See the assignment for Essay 1 (the narrative essay) posted to the right.

For Monday, Oct. 3:
1. Select your independent reading book.
2. Read and annotate The Color of Water, pp. 137-191.
3. Bring two questions to class about this reading and email them to me.
4. Write one typed page in response to the following prompt: Take an incident described by McBride, but write it in his mother's voice. You may write it as you think she would write it, so make whatever changes you think are appropriate.