In Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1, read Act 2, scenes 1-2 (pp. 27-34). Act 2, scene 1 might be tricky to navigate. Gadshill is at an inn, and Chamberlain (the inn keeper; sometimes called the Chamberlain) helps him identify travelers who would be easy to rob. The main purpose of Act 2, scene 2 is to make the audience laugh. Some of the humor, especially toward the end, must be imagined in the actions, not words, of the characters. Remember: Think about the characters' audience and purpose as they speak to each other.
Here is your writing assignment: Regardless of your sense of humor, identify and explain specific lines that aim to establish the humor in this scene. How does Shakespeare's language attempt to make the audience laugh? What makes the lines funny (or attempt to be funny). Write about one solid paragraph, two if you're feeling ambitious or you find it very funny. If you're in Google Classroom, submit it there; otherwise, email it to me by the start of class.
Last thing: Bring a printed copy of your college essay. On Friday and next Tuesday, we'll go over ways you can improve it.