For Monday (Day 4), In Approaching Great Ideas, read Lafayette's Declaration of the Rights of Man (pp. 71-74) and the excerpt from Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (pp. 77-81). Read closely. I expect that you will annotate the readings. I will see if you don't annotate, and I will know that you haven't read closely. Although these readings are short they, especially the Wollstonecraft, will demand your attention.
Here is the question you will write about in class. Feel free to respond to it at home, if you prefer; you will still have time to write it in class. If you write this at home, you shouldn't spend more than twenty minutes working on it:
Compare and contrast Lafayette's and Wollstonecraft's tones. In developing your response, pay careful attention to identify and explain the words, phrases, and sentences that contribute to their tones. This is a brief response, so you can't give attention to everything. Be sure to focus on those qualities that are especially prominent.
If you missed class on Friday or Monday, click here to view the short documentary we watched. Don't read the accompanying article until after you watch the film.
For Tuesday (Day 5) and Wednesday (Day 6), in Approaching Great Ideas, read Robert Dahl's "Why Democracy?" (pp. 96-108). The reading is dry, so be patient and maintain your attention. In particular, focus on Dahl's writing style, i.e., his diction, imagery, details, language, and syntax. Again, I expect that you will annotate this reading.
Here is the question you will write about in class. Feel free to respond to it at home, if you prefer; you will still have time to write it in class. If you write this at home, you shouldn't spend more than twenty minutes working on it:
Does Dahl's writing style make his argument more or less persuasive? Be sure to identify his argument, and focus on one or two stylistic elements that stand out to you. Of course, quote from the essay to support your points.