Monday, October 5: During most of this class, you will have time to work on the narrative essay that is due on Wednesday, so bring a flash drive, a tablet, a laptop to class. You could also email it to yourself or work on it in Google Docs; laptops from the cart will be available.
Wednesday, October 7: Re-read pp. 91-101 in Gornick's The Situation and the Story. Write a narrative about something you experienced or witnessed. It can be of any length, and it is due on Wednesday, Oct. 7. It should be double-spaced in font no bigger than 12-point Times New Roman. (You don't have to use this font, but whatever you use should be no bigger than this font.)
Friday, October 9: Student's choice. Bring something of intellectual interest to you to share with the class. It may be something to read (in which case you should give it to me to photocopy ahead of class), view, or listen to.