Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Upcoming Assignments 5/23-6/2

Monday, May 23 (Day 1): Read the excerpts and adaptations from Rachel Friedman's The Good Girl's Guide to Getting Lost that are linked below. Ms. Friedman will be visiting class today. 

"Galway Girl," from The Pennsylvania Gazette 

Excerpt from Good Girl's Guide

Also, check out the following advice Ms. Friedman dispensed to fellow writers: 

"Seven Things I've Learned So Far," from Guide to Literary Agents, Editor's Blog 

Tuesday, May 24 (Day 2): Continue working on the personal essay for your college application. Give attention to any or all of the following: words, sentences, organization. Remember, the essay will be more successful if it is driven by what you want to say, and not by the prompt. Bring a digital copy of your essay to class.

Wednesday, May 25 (Day 3), and Thursday, May 26 (Day 4) :  Complete a draft of your college application essay, or revise what you have written so far. Bring a digital copy to class.

Tuesday, May 31 (Day 5), and Wednesday, June 1 (Day 6): Final draft of college essay due.

Thursday, June 2 (Day 1): Partager!