AP Lang is essentially a first-year college writing course designed for the development of informed citizens. Students in this class are expected to be able to read anything in English from the sixteenth century to the present and have something interesting to say about it. In addition, students come to understand, recognize, and practice a variety of writing strategies for a range of audiences and purposes. The key to being a successful reader in this class is to read flexibly--that is, not only to think through a text from a variety of perspectives, but also to employ specific reading strategies for certain kinds of texts. In this class, you will come to understand that there is no one way to read "correctly"; to read effectively, you must adjust your reading to the text itself.
Beyond this analytical and interpretive emphasis, students also develop their individual voices as writers. That individual voice will grow both creatively and analytically, but it must demonstrate an appreciation for the complexity of both important and seemingly trivial matters, and to convey that appreciation effectively in writing.
Above all, this is not a test-prep class. Although we will prepare for the exam, the greatest preparation for this exam will come from your daily commitment to growing as a reader and writer. Have a great summer, and see you in September!